اگر شما عاشق ساخت روبات هستید و نمی دانید از کجا شروع کنید .Josh Herman مدل ساز یزرگ مارول این را به شما خواهد آموخت.
CGWorkshops - Hard Surface Character Modelling
Project Files: Included | 16 GB |Software used: ZBrush, Hypershot
او در 8 هفته آموزش هر آنچه شما برای ساخت Hard Suface modeling احتیاج دارید را به شما می آموزد. در این پروژه او شخصیت Ironman را می سازد.
مشاهده توضیحاتــ انگلیسی
Week One: Getting StartedWhat to expectConcept choicesEvaluating the conceptProportion, Rhythm, and Muscularity in robotsModeling for concept and visualization vs. Modeling for productionWorkflows: Retopology vs. ModelingCreating a pose for your modelPlanning out your model in 2D. Evaluating planesWeek Two: Starting, and using Zbrush as a blocking tool How to approach a new modelWhat to worry about, what to not worry aboutSculpting vs. ModelingZbrush vs. MayaBeginning modeling and sculptingStarting modeling in MayaWeek Three: Blocking in MayaStarting modeling in MayaTopology: Quads vs Tris vs NgonsModeling lowCreating rhythm in a simple mesh Setting ourselves up for laterWorking the whole characterThicknesses... whenWeek Four: RefiningOk, Iandrsquo;m blocked in... Now whatRefining piece by pieceDetailing vs. RefinementKeeping the mesh smoothShiny vs Matte vs DullReflections are keyWhat is a detail and what is notColors and GroupingWhat if something just isnandrsquo;t workingWeek Five: Continuing to refineThis is primarily a work and trouble shooting week. I will address any problems that Iandrsquo;ve seen throughout the class or individuallyAssignment: Using what youandrsquo;ve seen. Take your model to a level that is nearly final, but without detailsWeek Six: Adding Details How to start adding detailsEasy details Complex detailsHow to keep your model under controlTopology againWill anyone see thisWeek Seven: Polishing the model and final touchesPolishing, polishing, polishingHow do I know when itandrsquo;s finishedCritiques WebinarMaking changes to something that feels or is finished... a harsh realityFinishing and relaxingWeek Eight: Posing, Rendering, and PresentationPosing: Rigs vs. GroupsRendering: Mental Ray/Vray, Zbrush, and Bunkspeed/Keyshot.... which is better
Presentation: sweetening the renders in photoshop and paintover tips